Effective Negotiation in Contract, Procurement and Supply Chain Management
June 24 – 28, 2024
Venue: CHAK Guest House & Conference Centre,
Km 8, Musa Gitau Road off Waiyaki Highway,
New Lavington Area, Nairobi, Kenya
Course Fee: $3,500 per Participant
Program Overview:
Negotiation is often described as both a science and art, essential to good practice yet a skill that requires honing over time in order to perfect it. In business, it is a core competence for effective Supply Chain management. Tracy (1995) defines negotiation as “a motivated process of information exchange between or among individuals, groups, organizations etc. with the aim or goal of reaching agreement about certain objectives, issues, points or reciprocal acts” Commercial negotiation is the process where parties come together to confer in a situation where there is some conflicting interest between them with an aim of coming up with a jointly acceptable agreement. It’s therefore important for procurement professionals to be on top with their negotiations skills.
For whom:
This program is designed for Chief Executives, Executive Directors, Senior Managers, Managers, Supply Chain Executives, Purchasing Executives, Quality Managers, Operations Managers, Production Managers, Inventory/Store Managers, and Project Managers etc.
Learning objectives:
At the end of this program, participants will be able to:
- apply negotiation theories to achieve effective outcomes to the negotiation process;
- set objectives for negotiation;
- prepare and plan for effective negotiations;
- take an active part in negotiation meetings;
- employ a range of effective and persuasive negotiation techniques; and
- list and explain different approaches required when negotiating with customers including those based overseas.
Course outline:
Day 1: Negotiating in different setting.
- Defining negotiation
- Phases of negotiation
- Collaborative and distributive approaches to negotiation
- Understanding the supplier/buyer organizations
- Contract and Purchasing context for negotiation,
- Underpinning the negotiation,
- Porter’s five forces framework
Day 2: Preparing for a negotiation
- Risk assessment, SWOT,
Developing a negation strategy, ·
- The legal framework,
- Analyzing supplier tender/quotation,
- Pricing and total costs benchmark,
- The negotiation processes
Day 3: The bargaining position,
- Stages of the negotiation meeting / resourcing
- The meeting stage:
- Conducive environment,
- Persuasive techniques,
- -Tactics for negotiation,
- Positions and interests, ethical roles,
- Finalizing the negotiation
- Ratifying negotiations,
- Evaluating negotiations,
Day 4: Effective communication in Negotiation Process
- Importance of communication in Negotiation
- Developing questioning skills,
- questions for developing trust
- Characteristics of successful negotiators
- Developing negotiation competencies,
- Cross-cultural negotiations,
- Telephone negotiations, ·
- E-negotiations
- Documentation for future and legal implications of Negotiated Agreements
Day 5: Internal negotiations
- Negotiation mandates, ·Internal conflicts,
- Planning for internal negotiation
- Evaluating personal performance
- Evaluating outcomes, ·Relational outcomes,
- The value of reflection
- Documenting learning outcome for future uses
The Course Package: Includes: Course material in soft copy, Tea break, Lunch, City tour, and certificate of attendance. A laptop with the soft copy of the course material loaded with a carrying bag will be presented to the participants at the end of the course.
Note: Payment is either U$D or the prevailing parallel market rate. We do not accept government official rate.
Training Methodology
- Methodology: Lectures, discussions, exercises, case studies, audio-visual aids will be used to reinforce these teaching/learning methods
For bookings and inquiries, call: +234-8051365946, +234-7087578814 (Office Lines)
24/7 Lines: +234-8068933608, +234-8029170491 & +234-8145745664 & +234-9112830607
Or send us an email: info@hcaglobalconsult.com or hcaglobalconsult@gmail.com